Sunday, January 20, 2008

Off to a Rousing Start...

It should be clear at this point why, as I pointed out in my last post, I do not make New Year's Resolutions--I don't keep them! I'll try to be better about providing new content for the site, but we'll see how that works out;)'s a little something to add to the posts.

Note: My computer did not actually die, but I thought it did for a while. Here was my elegy.

Oh Dear Macintosh,

How bright was your screen,
How white was your case,
In good times and bad,
You were there poste haste.

Is it possible to survive,
Without the half-eaten apple?
The cry of my heart is,
"Oh, crapple!"

Never again shall a friend,
Be so utterly true,
Things are sounding a bit askew.

Yet, You are my computer,
My only and beloved
Just remember that,
You were not unloved.

R.I.P. Mac!

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