Friday, August 31, 2007

Inaugural Address

To commence a journey is a thing both wonderful and frightening. Wonderful because the adventures that lay ahead are still unknown and unimagined. Frightening because it is those same adventures that often lead to trouble, and can change the course of a life. With due respect to a fresh journey, let us begin things properly--with an introduction.

Welcome to Pseudo Profundities and Other Laments. My purpose for this blog is threefold: 1) to seek all available avenues into the literary world, 2) to remain in practice with writing, and 3) to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Though the focus will be documenting my evolution as a writer, and (I hope) my eventual pursuit of publication, other topics will appear occasionally. Above all, my intention is that this blog will serve as a way for others with similar interests to connect and share ideas. I am also interested in creating a Book Club segment, so if anyone is interested please let me know.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I would like to be in a book club!!!