Friday, August 31, 2007

What Works for You?

For the past six years I have been in college and graduate school. This means an average weekly output of 2-5 papers per week. Obviously a demanding schedule like this does not allow much time for creative writing. I've found myself rather at a loss when it comes to penning interesting, unique, or creative stories--which got me thinking: What kinds of things lend themselves to the creative writing process?

I remember using visual prompts in high school, which stimulated some good material. But, my all-time favorite prompt came from a decidedly not-favorite professor. Clearly a leftover hippie, who often paired rainbow colored socks with Birkenstocks, she left much to be desired as an instructor. However, her one shining moment was an audio prompt that became a wellspring of inspiration. The prompt consisted of brief clips of music from around the world (African tribal, Native American ceremonial, European classic, etc.), and we were to write words or phrases that came to mind, without worrying about cohesion or lucidity. After some time to process the thoughts and words which came to mind, we were then to write a short story based on our experiences of the music. I loved the story that flowed out of this project, but alas I have lost it.

What other kinds of things do you find helpful for stimulating the creative processes?


Lorraine said...

I find inspiration in God and His living Word - Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Also in my husband,daughters, sons and their wives, and my grandchildren. I have a headache so I will have to be eloquent the next time. I love your writing style - it reminds me of C.S. Lewis.

Kelly said...

Playing with a 4 year old and 1 year old lends very well to the creative process. Also being outside and in the forest I think helps the creative process. Or, walking through a building with stair cases that lead to the same floor and basements that are freaky.

Kelly said...

For me inspiration comes from God and the bible, also from playing with a 4 and 1 year old there is much imagination to be discovered there. Also from walking through a very confusing building with your sister can lead to a story. Or walking the woods also can lead to creativity.