Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Somedays You Just Don't Want To

We all have those occasional days where we just don't want to write, or go to work, or go to school, or whatever it is that's required of us. A kind of melancholy feeling sets in, and the world seems too big to take on that day. Staying in and hiding under the covers sounds infinitely more do-able than living up to the demands and pressures that hound us day in and day out.

Of course, it is those very demands and pressures that lead us to live life, seize the day, do more than simply exist. I am in the process of making some decisions about where to go next in life. I've had many days recently where I thought it would be easier not to deal with any of it, but ultimately I would feel about as useful as a toothache if I didn't have some stress upon my shoulders. I hope that these feelings of uncertainty, trepidation, and excitement spur me on to write more, and write well.

I will keep you updated as developments occur.

P.S. Don't forget to submit a name idea for our Book Club!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I think the name should be Blogers book club