Monday, October 22, 2007

Random Pseudo Profound Thought for the Day...

(Note: Don't steal my work. It's not cool, and I will find out who you are. Intellectual property is just like physical property: you steal it, there are consequences.)

It is the solitude of a place that can be one’s most ardent supporter, or one’s most devious adversary. For in solitude a simple contemplation can become quite a grandiose idea, a wellspring of innovative thought. Yet under similar circumstances, with a darker temper or a sinister disposition, one senses an unpleasant melancholy dreadfully dangerous to the human soul. The extent to which solitude affects a person, whether for benefit or harm, is determined by reasons unknowable and utterly dependent upon one’s susceptibility to the temptations of those quiet whispers that speak to unguarded hearts…

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